2024-12-03 :: Introduction… – Gary B. Genett
Authors: Gary B. Genett
Tags: Main
Reading time: 436 words, 1 minutes
#WORK # introduction
Top Bar | brand (homepage ) |
nav-top |
info-top / search.* |
Main Page | nav-left |
c_list |
nav-right |
Bottom Bar | copyright |
nav-bottom |
info-bottom / (composer ) |
The entire list of pages in this test site can be found in the main sitemap. To understand how the site is configured, and to see demonstrations of all the features, visit the following pages. This list can be found in the PAGES
menu on the top bar throughout the site.
site-config | defaults |
brand | null |
homepage | null |
search.name | null |
search.site | null |
search.call | null |
search.form | null |
copyright | null |
composer | 1 |
header | null |
footer | null |
css_overlay | dark |
copy_protect | null |
cols.break | lg |
cols.scroll | 1 |
cols.order | [ 1, 2, 3 ] |
cols.reorder | [ 1, 3, 2 ] |
cols.size | [ 3, 7, 2 ] |
cols.resize | [ 6, 12, 6 ] |
metainfo.display | <date> :: <title><|> -- <author|; > |
metainfo.null | *(none)* |
metalist.author.title | Author |
metalist.author.display | *Authors: <|>, <|>* |
metalist.tags.title | Tag |
metalist.tags.display | *Tags: <|>, <|>* |
readtime.display | *Reading time: <word> words, <time> minutes* |
readtime.wpm | 220 |
redirect.title | Moved To |
redirect.display | **This link has been permanently moved to: <link>** |
redirect.match | * |
redirect.time | 5 |
(For this test site, the brand, homepage, [search], and copyright options have all been configured.)
site-library | defaults |
folder | null |
auto_update | null |
anchor_links | 1 |
append | null |
digest.title | Latest Updates |
digest.continue | *[...]* |
digest.permalink | *(link to full page)* |
digest.chars | 1024 |
digest.count | 10 |
digest.expanded | 0 |
digest.spacer | 1 |
lists.expanded | 0 |
lists.spacer | 1 |
sitemap.title | Site Map |
sitemap.expanded | 0 |
sitemap.spacer | 1 |
(For this test site, the library folder has been enabled as _library