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(none) :: Webpack and bundlers – (none)

Reading time: 366 words, 1 minutes

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Installing Bootstrap

[Install bootstrap]({{< docsref “/getting-started/download#npm” >}}) as a Node.js module using npm.

Importing JavaScript

Import [Bootstrap’s JavaScript]({{< docsref “/getting-started/javascript” >}}) by adding this line to your app’s entry point (usually index.js or app.js):

import 'bootstrap';

// or get all of the named exports for further usage
import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap';

Alternatively, if you only need just a few of our plugins, you may import plugins individually as needed:

import Alert from 'bootstrap/js/dist/alert';

// or, specify which plugins you need:
import { Tooltip, Toast, Popover } from 'bootstrap';

Bootstrap depends on Popper, which is specified in the peerDependencies property. This means that you will have to make sure to add it to your package.json using npm install @popperjs/core.

Importing Styles

Importing Precompiled Sass

To enjoy the full potential of Bootstrap and customize it to your needs, use the source files as a part of your project’s bundling process.

First, create your own _custom.scss and use it to override the [built-in custom variables]({{< docsref “/customize/sass” >}}). Then, use your main Sass file to import your custom variables, followed by Bootstrap:

@import "custom";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

For Bootstrap to compile, make sure you install and use the required loaders: sass-loader, postcss-loader with Autoprefixer. With minimal setup, your webpack config should include this rule or similar:

// ...
  test: /\.(scss)$/,
  use: [{
    // inject CSS to page
    loader: 'style-loader'
  }, {
    // translates CSS into CommonJS modules
    loader: 'css-loader'
  }, {
    // Run postcss actions
    loader: 'postcss-loader',
    options: {
      // `postcssOptions` is needed for postcss 8.x;
      // if you use postcss 7.x skip the key
      postcssOptions: {
        // postcss plugins, can be exported to postcss.config.js
        plugins: function () {
          return [
  }, {
    // compiles Sass to CSS
    loader: 'sass-loader'
// ...

Importing Compiled CSS

Alternatively, you may use Bootstrap’s ready-to-use CSS by simply adding this line to your project’s entry point:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

In this case you may use your existing rule for css without any special modifications to webpack config, except you don’t need sass-loader just style-loader and css-loader.

// ...
module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.css$/,
      use: [
// ...
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